A perfect Tel Aviv experience: Everything in one magical boulevard

By bike or on foot. A romantic lover’s stroll or a lively night out with friends, Rothschild Boulevard provides a chic-y, urban experience and the very best Tel Aviv has to offer …

Although it possesses an impressive century-old résumé numbering it among Tel Aviv’s earliest streets, don’t be fooled for a second: Rothschild Boulevard or Sderot Rotshild  – one of Tel Aviv’s main attractions – has lost none of its mojo, and stands proudly at the beating heart of Tel Aviv, constantly reinventing itself, and marching in perfect unison with the city’s contemporary urban and hi-tech scene.

So what’s behind this singularly enchanting place, that seems to seduce everyone who passes along its avenues? The simple, unequivocal answer is: everything!

Sderot Rotshild is considered one of Israel’s most beautiful and prestigious locations, offering its visitors charming moments at any time, day or night, on foot or by bicycle, hand in hand with a lover, strolling with friends or wandering peacefully after a long day’s work.

Everyone who comes here, during a Tel Aviv vacation or day trip –  and there are thousands every day, will be instantly captivated by the city’s special atmosphere, in all its nuances, with all its people, teeming with urban chic, shaded beauty spots, bike trails, outdoor installations and a plethora of arts and cultural venues.

Add to that a long and impressive list of restaurants and cafés dotted along the Boulevard, adorable neighborhood kiosks, playgrounds and fitness facilities, unique Bauhaus architecture and historical sites surrounding it – and you’ll enjoy a truly unforgettable vacation experience in Tel Aviv’s, and Israel’s foremost leisure, cultural and commercial hubs.

Rothschild Boulevard Tel Aviv

Rothschild Boulevard Tel Aviv Street Sign


All day and night:

Rothschild Boulevard – stretching over a kilometer and a half from its eastern border with Neve Tzedek to the Habima theatre complex at the northeastern tip – offers pleasurable entertainment around the clock.

Morning runners and people walking dogs are joined in the early evening by children and teenagers, and 30-somethings emerging from their offices to unwind in one of the great neighborhood cafes, then later at night with party goers meeting up with friends over a glass of chilled beer.

Bicycle enthusiasts will find a friendly and ample bike lanes along the entire length of the boulevard, along with three bicycle rental stations. A short cycling interlude brings one into contact with passers-by and a wealth of characterful boutique shops – designer fashion, household items and original furniture, objects d’art, and more.

Rothschild Boulevard Activities

Rothschild Boulevard Activities – All day and night


Sderot Rotshild is surrounded from all sides by art and culture:

With numerous art galleries, the Habima theatre, Heichal Hatarbut and a melee of street performances and colorful events taking place throughout the year – it’s no wonder Rothschild Boulevard is considered to be one of Tel Aviv’s leading cultural attractions.

Along the boulevard, which functions as a kind of open-air museum, you can find a selection of street sculptures and exhibits from top artists, including Kadishman’s famous “Ascension”, an iconic work consisting of three metal rings. In the many nearby galleries you can enjoy a variety of works by distinguished local and international artists, reflecting different artistic styles.

At the north end of the boulevard, is the newly renovated Habima theatre complex, which includes the impressively designed “Kikar Ha’tizmoret”. Continuing on, you’ll encounter the Helena Rubinstein Centre of Contemporary Art as well as Jacob’s Park, the guardian of ancient sycamore trees planted in the area.

Rothschild Boulevard has seen its fair share of temporary street exhibitions over the years. Among the most memorable are the sculptures of bulls and globes sponsored by the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange located next door, “Sderot on Sderot Rothschild” which presented the Qassam rocket attacks on the town of Sderot, and song snippets presented on large placards hung from the Boulevard’s trees.

Habima Theatre

Habima Theatre Complex in Tel Aviv


A fascinating journey of legendary Bauhaus architecture:

Sderot Rotshild is surrounded by buildings built in the unique Bauhaus style – the architectural style conceived in 1930’s Germany that has been applied to approximately 4000 buildings in Tel Aviv, particularly in Rothschild Boulevard and its neighboring streets. This gave birth to the title of “White City” (‘Ha’ir Halevana’), declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2003.

Bauhaus buildings have several distinctive features – they are square, have an interesting interplay of geometric shapes and are built with flat roofs, large balconies, and round, narrow windows with an asymmetrical design.

One of the most prominent sites built in the spirit of the period is Engel House, located at the corner of Maze (Rothschild, 84), which was Israel’s first building constructed on stilts.

On Rothschild 16, stands “Independence Hall”, built in 1910, and the home of the first mayor of Tel Aviv, Meir Dizengoff. After his death, the house served as the site for the Tel Aviv Museum and is the place where David Ben-Gurion made the declaration founding the State of Israel. In front of Dizengoff’s house, stands a monument commemorating the city’s founders, built in 1949 to mark Tel Aviv’s 40th anniversary, and in front of this lies a quaint pond. Sderot Rotshild also boasts several modern, luxury high-rise buildings.

There’s the impressive Meyer Tower located on Rothschild Boulevard 34, rising to an amazing height of 158 meters, as well as “Rothschild 22”, home to the exclusive boutique hotel of the same name, and Facebook’s Israel offices next door.

Sderot Rotshild surrounding

Sderot Rotshild is surrounded by buildings built in the unique Bauhaus style


Shenkin, the Shuk HaCarmel Market, and Tel Aviv’s stunning beaches – all these attractions just a stone’s throw away.

Despite losing a little of its luster in recent years, walking along Sheinkin Street, located adjacent to Rothschild Boulevard, is still a great way of soaking up the characteristic Tel Aviv vibe and lifestyle.

The street, which began as a quarter for local artisans, has transformed over the years into the home of up and coming artists, and for years was considered the Soho of Tel Aviv with its designer shops, cafes, restaurants, street performers and musicians.

Rubbing shoulders with this busy street, is the colorful Shuk Hacarmel market with its abundance of heady aromas and flavors, Nachalat Binyamin, and some of Tel Aviv’s favorite beaches – Bograshov Beach, Frishman Beach and Jerusalem Beach.

Tel Aviv Beaches

Tel Aviv’s famous beaches


Restaurants, cafes and charming kiosks:

One of the most attractive and endearing highlights of Rothschild Boulevard are the neighborhood’s charming kiosks scattered along its length. These are often chic and homey cafes looking out to the Boulevard, serving a variety of coffee, fresh pastries and light sandwiches, that you can take away or eat on one of Rothschild Boulevard’s many shaded benches, where you’ll meet tourists and locals taking time-out from their daily routine to enjoy the Boulevard’s pastoral atmosphere and the city’s unique character.

Rothschild Boulevard Restaurants

Rothschild Boulevard offers plenty of excellent culinary institutions, upmarket cafes and unique street restaurants.

For serious foodies and gourmets, Rothschild Boulevard offers plenty of excellent culinary institutions, upmarket cafes and unique street restaurants.

Along the Boulevard and its surrounding streets, you’ll find the chocolatier Max Brenner, the trendy restaurant Canteen and iconic Cafe Noir. Eat Italian at Rustico, Georgian at Supra, Asian at Fugo, Lego and Malabar and a whole lot more.

When night falls on Rothschild Boulevard and the city’s children are asleep, Tel Aviv’s famous nightlife wakes up and Rothschild Boulevard comes to life with dozens of pubs and high-end bars, such as the neighborhood bar Poly, the lively Abraxas, the New York style Otto Rothschild, and the hottest ticket in town – the rooftop Speak Easy bar, with its spectacular view overlooking Rothschild Boulevard.

Tel Aviv Nightlife

Tel Aviv’s famous nightlife wakes up and Rothschild Boulevard

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Hotel Rothschild 22, a Tel Aviv boutique hotel part of the Fattal Hotel chain